Thursday, November 15, 2012


A new application that will be launched soon and hope you’ll like it is the "Missions". 
We’ll present here some details.

Missions are small assignments that you need to accomplish in order to get the bonus of virtual money and experience points.
There are 15 types of missions, each divided into several levels.
To solve certain missions you’ll need points of Education, Culture and Happiness. This types of points you’ll be able to get in some future applications that are to be launched (state technologies, state buildings, city, etc.). At the beginning each player will receive 30 points of Happiness, Culture, Education - in order to solve the missions till the launch of those applications.
For now, not all missions will be available because we still have to launch some applications such as espionage, the city, etc. However, 11 of the 15 missions will be active.

Let's see how the application works (see photo).
As you can see at the first mission „Upgrade user level” appears Level 11/1. This means that the user is level 11, but for the level 1 of the first mission is enough to have the first user level to get the bonus. So I can select "Finished" and get my bonus.
At the second mission „Participate in Contests” - note that its completion will „cost” you a point of Culture. Here is mentioned Level 0/1. So to get the bonus I must participate in a competition but I haven’t attended any yet. What should I do? Participate in a competition, then come and get my bonus by clicking Finished. 

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