Thursday, October 18, 2012


Dear friends,

The last period in ProEconomica was a very busy and complicated one, both for you and us. There have been made lots of changes, and some are still to be made. So please pay attention to the blog posts in the next period, in order to avoid any confusion. The most important changes are related to: lowering prices to companies, greater benefits to VIP packages, new ECO prizes, several benefits to Invite menu, and others. Therefore, please wait until we come with clear details on which you will be able to base your decisions and strategies.
Starting next week we will explain the changes and will start the integration of the remaining applications of the current version (6 applications out of 7):
1. Missions - are of 15 types, with levels
2. Tops - contest for 24 hours and 7 days in different areas
3. A new way of changing the virtual money on GOLD
4. Spying - a new model of competition
5. State technologies
6. State’s symbol buildings

Along with these, will be also activated the features: Happiness, Education, Culture, Prestige.
Only remaining to introduce the cities and to change the design, that will allow the game to go faster.
We’ll come along with more details.

ProEconomica Team

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