Tuesday, November 6, 2012

How do I get more Gold?

Many beginners do not benefit from all the advantages of the Shareholders application. We invite you to see how  to win more Gold by using it:

- Each user level passed, offers the possibility to buy a real share at preferential price of 40 Gold. The real share will generate virtual shares when raising the levels to companies, which can then be exchanged for Gold.
- If you collect 1000 virtual shares, you can change them ( for he first time) on 40 Gold recovering in this way your investment.
- With these Gold you can get another real share that will double the number of the virtual shares obtained from each company level.
- With the Gold received in exchange for virtual shares you can open a new company, which will also help you obtain virtual shares when rising the company levels. More virtual shares means more Gold.

See other ways o getting Gold here:

In the coming days we will come up with some other blog posts. 
So keep your eyes on us!

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