Thursday, November 1, 2012

The winners of the contest "Business is Fun. Business is ProEco "!

Recently we organized the contest "Business is Fun. Business is ProEco "on Facebook, where we tested your sense of humor. Now we can say that the ProEco business world would be too sad and boring without such participants as rudys2003, ikbalouch, Kadmus, horus28, George130.

The most popular movie became the one created byrudys2003, who managed to get about 60 Like's. So he has the Prize of the Audience in the amount of 300 Gold and a bonus of 25 Gold (for the Likes).
ProEco Prize of 300 Gold goes to George130 for creativity, along with a bonus of 15 Gold.
For their efforts, the participants Kadmus, horus28 and ikbalouch receive by 50 Gold (participation bonus) and bonus for Likes: 5, 5 and respectively 15 Gold. 

Thanks for your participation!

And do not forget - people with a sense of humor are more successful in business;)

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