Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ProEconomica offers you MUCH MORE on holidays!

We are in the mid of the winter holidays, during which we all have to become better ...
And we've decided to become better and help you spend more time with ProEconomica;).
We offer Much More Bonus ... Twice as much! Want more?
Then find that when investing at least € 50 you’ll receive the VIP Professional package absolutely FREE!

Here's the bonus that you receive if refilling your ProEco account now:
10 to 19 € + 60 Gold
20-49 € + 300 Gold
50-99 € + 900 Gold + VIP Professional / 1 month FREE!
100-199 € + 2000 Gold + VIP Professional / 2 months FREE!
€ 200 + 4400 Gold + VIP Professional / 4 months FREE!

Note: The promotion is valid for period: 26/12/12 to 26/01/13 on (server time 00:00)

ProEco wishes you to enjoy the holidays ... Much More than ever ! ;)

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