Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Special Edition!

Do you think that a country with fewer players has not so many chances to succeed? Don’t be so sure. We found an interesting reveal about Poland – a country with less than 100 registered players in ProEco. This “reveal” is named Raiden1977.   He is active, has more companies than any other English speaking player and follows his own strategy in order to succeed. Let’s find out the Raiden1977’s key to success!

- ProEconomica: For how long you play ProEconomica?
Raiden1977:  Over a year

- ProEconomica: What determined ​​you to become an active player?
Raiden1977:   I like the game and I want in it as much as possible achieve it

- ProEconomica: How many companies have you managed to open untill now?
Raiden1977:  I have 42 companies - 40 L.L.C. and 2 JSC (S.A.)

- ProEconomica:  Which field of companies do you think is more profitable and why?
Raiden1977:  Producing something that needs a large number of players - electricity, water, oil and timber, boards, stones, fixing elements, dye

- ProEconomica:  What strategy do you think can bring success in ProEco? ( having many companies, selling products at minimum prices, technologies ... etc.)
Raiden1977:  I invest in productivity - then you even with minimum price have not bad earning, investment in the companies and employees levels

- ProEconomica:  What are in your opinion, the most interesting applications of the simulator?
Raiden1977:   A city ;) Seriously I do not have any favorite; all is good (except perhaps exchange Gold / ECO)

- ProEconomica:  How many competitions have you win so far? How did you manage?
Raiden1977:   I have only 3 wins, 0 draws, 0 losses - few willing players :(

- ProEconomica:  Do you consider yourself a good ProEco spy?
Raiden1977:   so far so good - 212 won 12 lost

- ProEconomica:  If you had the opportunity to change one thing in ProEconomica, what would it be?
Raiden1977:  Go back to the exchange Virtual Shares > ECO/EU

- ProEconomica: What advice can you give to the new players?
Raiden1977:   Patience and a quest for knowledge about the game - ask other players, read http://wiki.proeconomica.com and ProEco's Blog 

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